Just as Paul Wrote letters to the Christians of Corinth, the people of Ephesus, the Phillippians and to Timothy and Titus, I feel that I have been called to communicate with the people of our community in an additional fashion. These "Notes" are Spirit led messages, teachings, encouragements and enrichments for your life. Be sure and subscribe to my feed and visit our website at www.ccfardmore.com. If you're in town on a Sunday morning or Wednesday evening, We hope you'll come join us in Worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Growing in God's "Let Us" patch - Part III

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

As we examine our final “Let Us” leaf in our growth and development in God, we know that it’s certainly not last in priority...

        “Let Us” (Hebrews 12:1) lay aside every weight... that so easily besets us...
  1.     What is it that keeps hindering you from living a Life of Victory?
  2.     do you constantly struggle with “stuff” that always seems to keep you stuck in last place in the Race of Faith?

    The key is to “lay aside” every weight - We must make a conscious decision to remove unwanted and unneeded clutter from our lives.  The word weight, (ogkos) pictures an athlete in a running contest who must decide to not only shed the extra pounds, but also remove unacceptable clothing.

    Paul charges us (Ephesians 4:22Colossians 3:8) to “put off” or “change out of” our old nature (fear, anger and unbelief) and “put on” or dress in our New Nature (faith, Love and Confidence) everyday!  Men, we would never consider wearing a suit and tie or ladies wouldn’t wear a full length dress and heels while running a marathon - That Would Be Foolish!   WE, not God are responsible for “dressing appropriately” for our day and its challenges.

    Today, “Let Us” remove anything and everything that might hinder or harness our movement as we run this race with patience!

Pastor Jody

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