Just as Paul Wrote letters to the Christians of Corinth, the people of Ephesus, the Phillippians and to Timothy and Titus, I feel that I have been called to communicate with the people of our community in an additional fashion. These "Notes" are Spirit led messages, teachings, encouragements and enrichments for your life. Be sure and subscribe to my feed and visit our website at www.ccfardmore.com. If you're in town on a Sunday morning or Wednesday evening, We hope you'll come join us in Worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Camping... It can be "intents"...

This past weekend we celebrated our 1th annual Camp CCF!  Our little three day excursion to Lake Murray State Park where we could "unwind", take off our watches, turn off the television and remember that we can survive without computers and cell phones...  Oh well, two out of three ain't bad!  During these three days, we can experience the fun of Family, Friends and Fellowship.

Camping was God's idea - He ordered the entire Nation of Israel to vacate their homes and jobs for one week in october to live in tents as their fathers, along with Moses had done for forty years in the wilderness.   Forty years of the sand as their carpet and the stars as their blanket and Jehovah God as their source!  Too often, we can become overwhelmed by the demands of our day and we forget the blessings and benefits that come from God. (Psalms 103:2)

The reason for this annual "retreat" was to cause men and women to become fully aware of not only the complexity of creation, but of the Creator as well.  (Job ch.38, 39, 40)

"Remember the Lord your God..." (Deuteronomy 8:18)
These past few days spent with my friends and family have been great medicine to my body and soul!  We have shared our Faith - we've encouraged and enriched one another and we have celebrated our Creator, and complimented HIS Creation!

Life is Good!

Pastor Jody

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