Just as Paul Wrote letters to the Christians of Corinth, the people of Ephesus, the Phillippians and to Timothy and Titus, I feel that I have been called to communicate with the people of our community in an additional fashion. These "Notes" are Spirit led messages, teachings, encouragements and enrichments for your life. Be sure and subscribe to my feed and visit our website at www.ccfardmore.com. If you're in town on a Sunday morning or Wednesday evening, We hope you'll come join us in Worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Decembery 25th...

Why do we celebrate Christmas on this date?  and why is it at the end of the year?  Well, there's several pieces that will put this puzzle together, but for today there's a more valuable lesson to be learned...

All year long we have wrestled with issues with attacks, anger, divorce, deaths, broken relationships, finances personal problems and just the fact that we aren't getting any younger...  OUCH!!

Not only have we confronted these assassins, but often we "collect" them in the closet of our minds  and throughout a whole year - we've accumulated lots of "stuff!"  So, before we move into a brand new year, God wants us to clean our our closets!  Just let go of all that luggage, purge and make room for Blessings and Prosperity!!  Hos is this possible?  I'm glad you asked...

It's through giving - pouring out.  Sharing with OTHERS.  It's in giving, or releasing of our resources that makes room for the new.  It's not that we HAVE to - but I'm very thankful to have something to offer someone else that might help them along their way.

Merry Christmas and make way for the Blessings!

Pastor Jody

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